Yesterday we celebrated my Grandson Alex’s 7th birthday.  His actual birthday is today.

Oh to be 7 again . . . well, maybe not.  I would have to go through the learning process of growing up again . . . been there done that!

Anyway, Alex is quite a little man.


We played a getting know Alex game.  Now we all thought we knew a lot about Alex.  That is until we played the game.

Interestingly enough there is a whole lot none of us knew about Alex.

Like one of the things he wants to see before his next birthday is a mountain.

His favorite movie is “Frozen”.  Now I have to admit I was a bit surprised by this . . . I guessed Iron Man.  But I guess Iron Man is a mere memory for Alex.  Part of his past that seems a lifetime ago.

His dream vacation is to see the ocean.  I thought it would be LEGOLAND (although he has been to the LEGOLAND in Chicago)  . . . he loves Legos or Disney World (what kid doesn’t want to go to Disney?).

Alex’s birthday cake made by his mom as evidence of his love for Legos.


Favorite ice cream?  Vanilla.

His favorite sport is swimming.  We all thought it was baseball.

Alex swimming

His favorite memory is visiting his Nana (his great-grandma).

There were other things too but since I don’t have a memory . . . this is all I got . . .

There are things we do know about Alex like:

His favorite instrument is the drums.  (He has a drum set)

Alex the drummer

His favorite color is red.


He is allergic to peppers (and apparently also trees in the spring).

He is very energetic.  Can’t you see it in his eyes?

Alex and the trickster Hanah

This is Alex with his trickster sister Hannah (see the bunny ears?).

His dog Apollo got to celebrate too.


Apollo is having a little trouble containing his excitement.  Actually, I think he’s in a sugar induced comma after eating up the cake crumbs under the table.

Alex is undeniably all boy in every sense of the word.  I wish I had a quarter of the energy he has.

He loves frogs.

Alex and the Frog

But underneath all that energy is alotta love.

Alex and Me

My big Alex bear hug!

Love you Alex!

© 2014 – 2016, Pamela. All rights reserved.


Taking control of life and learning to live a more intentional, holistic, minimalistic lifestyle from the heart of my inner 70's flower child.

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