The last couple of weeks have been very busy between work, keeping up with the gardens, family stuff, and getting my daughter Molly ready to move to college.  But here is just a sampling of the garden update and happenings . . .


The garlic has completed it’s curing time.  Now it’s time to store it in the cool basement for winter and for use in canning with tomatoes.

I also save the very biggest and best bulbs to divide and plant in September for next years crop.

We won’t have to worry much about the vampires on Turkey Hollow Road!


A tiny sample of onions curing in the garage.


Still getting a few peas.  The rabbits did some major damage to these but we still managed to get a few.


Raspberries are coming on strong!  Can’t wait till they ripen!


The first eggplant blossom.  I had no idea how lovely these are!


The beets also took a “beeting”  from the rabbits but a few remain.


The leeks are doing well.  These I will leave in the ground and pull as I use them. They can stay there till the ground freezes.


Green beans galore!


Cucumbers.  These are pickling cucumbers.  I have no plans to pickle these this year because of an over abundance of them last year.  But they taste the same as any other cuc and, in my opinion, they’re a little crispier.


Roma tomatoes.  These are gonna make great sauce and salsa!


Heirloom tomatoes for slicing.  It’s officially BLT season!

These are delicious alone but . . . everything tastes better with bacon!


Peppers of all kinds.


Both sweet . . .


Which will eventually be red, green, yellow and orange . . .



And hot!


The zucchini . . .


and yellow summer squash that just won’t go away!  Note to self . . . plant less zucchini and yellow squash next year . . .


Butternut squash . . .


and spaghetti squash are looking good!


The pie pumpkins are starting to turn orange!  A sign that fall will be here before we know it.  Something that I am very ambivalent about.

I feel like I totally missed summer.  Life is just too busy!

Another sign of needed change. . . but that’s another post entirely.


The broccoli is getting bigger!  Still waiting for signs of cauliflower heads . . . more to come on that one.

The carrots are growing taller and will soon be ready to dig.  The leaves on the potatoes are starting to curl so we’ll find out how the potato towers turn out when the times comes.

Today I will be my first tomato canning day with many more to follow over the next month or two.

I didn’t plant as many this year because there were so many last year I ran out of canning jars and had to freeze some of them.  I made anything and everything I could think of to make from a tomato.  So I still have a lot left from last season to use up first.

However, judging by the number of tomatoes on the plants this year . . . well . . . it’s a good thing I planted fewer plants!

This is my happiest place of all!


© 2014 – 2017, Pamela. All rights reserved.


Taking control of life and learning to live a more intentional, holistic, minimalistic lifestyle from the heart of my inner 70's flower child.

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