I’ve finally discovered the secret of how to love your blog.

I recently decided that I wanted to reach more readers with my blog.  I spent countless hours, days, and weeks, reading and studying how to accomplish this seemingly daunting task.

I took pages and pages of notes, downloaded video’s and e-books.  Read, watched, and listened.  Then I re-read, and re-listened, and re-watched.

What I found, is that while learning what others have done to reach more people, I was losing what enjoyed about blogging.

Remember The Why

Of course we all want to be heard and acknowledged to feel that our efforts are not in vain.  But the reason I started doing this in the first place was not to be famous or rich, but to use this as a way of documenting my world, my interests, and leaving a track record of who I am and what I love in the hope that it might inspire others to live a more intentional life style.

Let’s face it, I’m a nurse.  I will never have the wealth to travel the world in the traditional sense.  I will never have the mansion on the hill this is my reality.

My Twilight Zone Residence







I will never drive a Maserati (my Elantra is 10 years old). 

What Does It Mean To Have Wealth?

But I have so much more than the majority of the rest of the world.

Vegetable Garden







The wealth I have is in knowing how to do things that even some of the wealthiest people in this world have no idea about.  And I’m blessed with family and friends that make a difference.

How To Love Your Blog

In all this searching of how to write the perfect blog or take the perfect picture, I have now developed writers block.  Afraid to express my thoughts or interests out of the fear that it won’t be good enough or the pictures aren’t pretty enough.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our lives were so shockingly exciting that people were on pins and needles pouring over every line we wrote as if their very life depended on it?

Reality Of Life

In reality, most of us live lives where we must work hard to accomplish the smallest feat.  Which really is how it should be.  That’s how character is built.

Moving Forward

So, in the future, as in the past, I will continue my personal journey to educate myself in the ways of increasing self reliance and healthy, positive intentional living as I know it, shake off this writers block of sorts, and move on to the things I love and letting go of the preordained ideas of “successful” blogging.  Because it’s only a success if you enjoy the process.

As I do this you may notice some minor changes in the appearance of my blog site as I make it a more refined destination that will better serve my intentions.  And as in the past, I hope we can all continue learning from each other as we journey though this life together.


© 2015 – 2017, Pamela. All rights reserved.


Taking control of life and learning to live a more intentional, holistic, minimalistic lifestyle from the heart of my inner 70's flower child.

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